Meelup Perfection

m290dp.jpg  How is this for a perfect day. Managed to drag myself away from the computer after looking up for a second and seeing the fluffy clouds all over the sky. That boat adds to the scene and if I can find who owns it I might have a sale. I took a shot of a small yacht in Esperance and I went up to the owner and told him about it. 6 months later he bought one, you have to make things happen sometimes. I also took some photos of Castle Bay and Eagle bay whilst I was at it. It was pretty hot and sweaty work but someone has to do it!! 9 image stitch with the 1ds and 50mm lens. No polariser just pure glass baby!!  

~ by christianfletcher on February 7, 2008.

13 Responses to “Meelup Perfection”

  1. i have one photo with clouds like these.
    it looks great and i bet the owner would have the cash for a few large prints, with a boat like that!!!

  2. ive been meaning to ask, do often use mid-range apertures over small ones?
    i remember reading about a year ago that they often give the sharpest image, i dont really understand why, or when they suite best.

  3. Is that 2 rows of stitched images Christian?

  4. yes use about f11 to f13 most times when shooting. It does produce a sharp image. Obviously it is best to limit what you have too close to the lens or you may not get it in focus but if your using a wide angle then the problem may not exist.

    that is one row of 9 images side by side.

  5. Great shot – wish I could say the boat was mine! How do you nail the exposure (foreground and sky) with no filters? I presume Photoshop and not HDR? Cheers

  6. yes the boat is awesome but an environmental bandit. The exposure was easy as the light was very even. Nothing to worry about. There was a very thin cloud high up and that acted like a huge diffuser and made it more even again. Anyone could have taken this shot. But is still nice to look at.

  7. Beautiful shot, Christian.

    I remember this beach quite well. I spent a few mornings here recovering with a bunch of mates while we were on schoolies. Ahh, the good old days.

  8. ah yes I had my schoolies in Dunsborough 25 years ago!

  9. Lovely shot

    I have the 50f1.4 and its so clear and sharp its an awesome lens. I couldn’t believe how clear it was compared to the zoom I had when I started using it.

  10. yeah you have to use the primes. However the Jarrah Jacks image was taken with the 24-70mm and is still awesome.

  11. I’ll second that! It’s even better in the flesh!

  12. i’ll third that… if theres such a saying?..

  13. Nice shot Christian those are some awesome clouds!

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