New midweek course

Hi all, just wanted to gage the interest of a midweek course for those who work weekends. I am thinking of dates between the 23rd of September to the 26th of September. I already have 2 people interested. Let me know if there are some days you could make between those dates.

This weekends course is fully booked with 12 people coming down for the night. One from Sydney!

~ by christianfletcher on September 3, 2008.

9 Responses to “New midweek course”

  1. I’ll come from Melbourne if you pay for my flight!!!

  2. I’ll carry the bags of that person from Sydney if they pay my flight ! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. keep dreaming you guys!!

  4. It’s not so much that I work weekends as I’m on a four on / four off rotation, and you just seem to always choose the weekends that I’m rostered. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Normally I would be up for a midweek, but can’t on those dates – settlement on the house goes thru on the 18th (yay!!) so we’ll still be a bit tied up I think.

    I WILL make it one day – that you can be sure of.

  5. Who is this Sydney traitor doing your course and not mine ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. I can’t divulge the name but it isn’t Peter Eastway, although he would love to know what I know. I will recommend she come and see you next Matt.

  7. Hey Chris,

    I have been thinking of going to one of your courses for a while. I try to make the effort to attend one different photographic seminar per year & I have not been to any seminars this year yet.
    Just wondering how long does your seminar usually run for? Will there be a day course or one that runs over a weekend, where you get to go out and shoot? Sadly I donโ€™t get all that much of a chance to travel down South as I am always shooting most weekends here in Perth, but I am going to try and make the effort & hopefully I can free up a weekend.

    Many Thanks,

  8. my workshop is a night thing and goes for about 5 hours, I am thinking of a weekender though. As for where we could shoot, take your pic, we have plenty of locations here in Dunsborough. I would say Cape Naturaliste and around Bunker Bay would be were I take people.

  9. Hi Christian,

    I have heard that you are opening a galley in Cairns – can you tell me what date please !!! Exciting :-))

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